In this article We are going to cover How to Increase EBS Volume size in AWS.
How to Increase EBS Volume size in AWS
Below are steps to increase EBS volume size in AWS.
Step #1: Create EC2 instance, give name like EBSDemo
Step #2: Login to ec2 instance and run below commands
df –h
cd /
Step #3: Create a file named like yourname.txt and directory named like yourname_Dir
Step #4: Go EC2 landing page select volume tab from left hand side
Step #5: Create a Snapshot of the 8GB Volume which is attached from ec2 instance
Give name of snapshot “mysnapshot1”
Snapshot Created successfully
Step #6: Go to snapshot option
Step #7: Select the Snapshot which has been created create a Volume from the snapshot
Step #8: Create a Volume from the snapshot
Step #9: Increase the of Volume to 25 GB
Volume Request Succeeded
Step #10: Stop the ec2 instance
Step #11: Deatch 8 GB volume
Go to Volumes -> Actions -> Detach Volume
Step #12: Attach the new 25GB volume
Go to Volumes -> Actions -> Attach Volume
Attach volume
you will see increased Volume Size
Step #13: Power on the ec2
Step #14: Login again and verify the file system details with #df –h command.
df –h
Step #15: Verify your files and directory within root file system
ls –ltr
We have covered How to Increase EBS Volume size in AWS.
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