In this article, We are going to perform Monitoring EC2 Instances using CloudWatch, enabling detailed monitoring and creating cloudwatch alarms.
Monitoring EC2 Instances using CloudWatch
Step #1: Create a EC2 Instance.

Step #2: Allow Detailed Monitoring for the above Instance.
Note: Detailed Monitoring are chargeable

Step #3: Give the tag

Step #4: Allow the Security Group

Step #5: Launch the Instance with the proper Key
Step #6: Go to the landing page of CloudWatch service

Step #7: Click on Create Dashboard, give the name of dashboard

Step #8: Add any Widget, how you want to see the data of your ec2, We have selected the stacked area, you can select as well.

Step #9: Now select the resource which you want to monitor

Step #10: Select EC2 and in EC2 Section select Per-Instance metrics

Step #11: Save the Above Data using , Save Widget button

Step #12: Till far we have created the Dashboard now it time to create the Alarm

Step #13: Click on Create Alarm and then Select EC2 and in EC2 Section select Per-Instance metrics(CPU Utilization)

We have covered Monitoring EC2 Instances using CloudWatch, enabling detailed monitoring and creating cloudwatch alarms.
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