How to Create Azure Container Instance [5 Steps]

In this article, We are going to cover How to Create Azure Container Instance, Azure Container Instance Pricing and Azure Container Instances vs AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service).

How to Create Azure Container Instance

Below are steps to create Azure Container Instance(ACI).

Login to Azure Portal with your username and password. Go to All Services in Azure Portal, Click on Containers -> click on Container Instances

login to azure click on all services click on containers 1

Click on Create container instances.

click on create container instances 2

Step #1: Basics -Input Subscription, Resource group, Container name, Region, Image source type and click on Networking.

input azure azure aci basics 3

Step #2: Networking – select Networking type, DNS name label, open the ports and click on Advanced.

input networking 4

Step #3: Advanced – Select Restart policy, input Environment variables, command override if any and click on Tags.

input advances settings 5

Step #4: Tags – Input the tags and click on Review + create

add tags 6 1

review Azure ACI Basics

review azure container instance 7

review thw Networking, Advanced , Tags and Click on Create.

click on create 8

wait till deployment of Azure container Instance.

wait to deploy az aci 9


In this article we have covered How to Create Azure Container Instance.

Related Articles:

How to Create a Virtual Machine Azure [8 Steps]

How to Install Azure CLI on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 LTS

How to Create SQL Database in Azure/How to create SQL DB in Azure


Azure Container Instances official page

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) of Azure Container Instances

  1. Azure Container Instance Pricing

To check the Azure container pricing goto Azure Pricing calculator.

azure container pricing

Input Azure Instance configuration details, you will get pricing of Azure container instance

azure container pricing1

2. Azure Container Instances vs AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)

Azure Container Instances (ACI) is Microsoft Azure PaaS (Platform as service) solution that provides the fast and simple method to run a container in Azure portal, without having to manage underlying infrastructure

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is container orchestration includes automatic scaling, upgradation of applications, autoscaling and service discovery.

About Amit Khamkar

I am Amit Khamkar working as DevOps Engineer, Likes to explore new DevOps Tools and Believe in sharing knowledge.

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