GitHub Actions Udemy Course for DevOps | CI CD using GitHub Actions | GitHub Actions CI/CD Pipeline Tutorial.
- Basic GitHub Knowledge and Computer Knowledge
Table of Contents
GitHub Actions Udemy Course for DevOps
GitHub Actions is a powerful tool that allows you to automate various tasks and workflows in your GitHub repositories. It’s commonly used for building, testing, and deploying code. Here’s a basic tutorial to get you started with GitHub Actions:
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Introduction to GitHub Actions, Sample Workflow, Environment Variables
- Introduction to GitHub Actions, Workflows, Events, Jobs, Steps, Actions, Runners
- Creating Sample Workflow in GitHub Actions
- Checkout Actions and Environment Variables in GitHub Actions
- How to use Contexts in GitHub Actions
- How to Use Different Shells in GitHub Actions
- Default and Custom Environment Variables in GitHub Actions
Workflows in GitHub Actions
- Using Workflow Syntax in GitHub Actions
- Adding Secrets in GitHub Actions Workflow
Scheduling Jobs in GitHub Actions
- Scheduling Cron Expression in GitHub Actions
- Include and Exclude Matrix Configuration in GitHub Actions
Continuous Integration (CI) with GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions Workflow to Build and Test Java Project with Maven
- GitHub Actions Workflow to Build and Test Java Project with Gradle
- GitHub Actions Workflow to Build and Test Python Project
- GitHub Actions Workflow to Build and Test GO Language Project
- GitHub Actions Workflow to Build and Test Ruby Project
JaCoCo Integration with GitHub Actions
- Integrate JaCoCo for Java Maven Project with GitHub Actions
- Integrate JaCoCo for Java Gradle Project with GitHub Actions
GitHub Packages and Publishing Packages with GitHub Actions
- Publishing Java packages with Gradle to GitHub Packages
- Publishing Java packages with Maven to GitHub Packages
- Publishing Node.js packages to NPM using GitHub Actions
Containerization with GitHub Actions
- Build and Push Docker Image to Docker Hub with GitHub Actions
- Build and Push Docker Image to AWS ECR with GitHub Actions
Continuous Deployments(CD) with GitHub Actions
- Continuous Deployments(CD) with GitHub Actions, Deploy a Web App using Amazon EC2
- Deploy to Minikube with GitHub Actions
- Deploy Helm Chart on EKS cluster | Deploy Application on EKS using HELM – Practical Tutorial | Helm | How to Use Helm to deploy Helm Charts in Kubernetes
- Deploy Node.js App on EKS using GitHub Actions | Build and Deploy to Kubernetes using GitHub Actions | Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with GitHub Action
- Java + Maven + GitHub Actions + Docker + ECR + Helm + Kubernetes | Deploy Java Helm Chart on EKS via GitHub Actions
Who this course is for:
- DevOps Engineer, Software Test Engineer and Software Developer